
We offer several classes to get members started learning programming and how to learn the basics of CAD programs. For questions, you can reach the area manager, James Chin, at

Upcoming Computing Classes (members only)

***NEW*** Introduction to Computer Programming

Maximum Students: 4     Duration: 2 hrs     Prerequisites: Basic computer skills
Class description

In this 2-hour introductory class, you’ll learn the fundamentals of the Python programming language while building a text based five function calculator. We will cover essential programming concepts including variables, input and output, functions, control structures, lists, and debugging. You’ll get hands on experience writing code as we build features step-by-step, culminating in a calculator that can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus, as well as store its prior equations and results in memory to be recalled later. By the end of the session, you’ll understand core programming concepts, and have created your first useful application.

Introduction to CAD

Maximum Students: 4     Duration: 4 hrs     Prerequisites: Basic computer skills
Class description

In this class you’ll learn the basics of computer-aided design (CAD) using OnShape. We will cover navigation of the software, 2D sketching tools and process, and then you’ll create a 3D design based on a provided sample object; including part creation, assembly, and animation. After the class, the instructor will be available to handle additional questions. Note: all students are asked to please come to class with a set-up OnShape account. Registration is free through and can be completed in 5 minutes from any computer, tablet, or smartphone. Please go to and create your own personal login and password to their free version prior to class.

Intermediate CAD

Maximum Students: 4     Duration: 4 hrs     Prerequisites: Introduction to CAD or OnShape tutorial (see class description)
Class description

In this class you’ll expand on the CAD skills learned in the introductory course to create robotic assemblies in CAD. Starting from familiar 2D sketches and 3D part modeling, you’ll learn how to simulate mechanical motion, how to build assemblies, create assembly drawings and generate a bill of materials. This course will prepare you for creating your own multi-part projects and communicating your designs to others. An onshape
account and a working familiarity with OnShape is required. Prerequisites are the Introduction to CAD class or the OnShape tutorial “Introduction to
Part Design” (</a >).


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