Makerspace has two Avid CNC routers for cutting wood projects: one with a 2’x2′ bed, and another with a 4’x4′ bed.
Information on what these CNC machines can do and their basic operation can be learned in our Introduction to CNC Routers class. In the interest of keeping the area safe and operational for everyone, anyone entering the CNC room must adhere to our CNC Agreement, which is posted on the door. We have several members who volunteer as Mentors, who can help walk new users through their first projects. We invite all trained members to be Mentors to help move this knowledge forward.
CNC Area Manager: Juan Jackson (
Upcoming Classes (members only)
Introduction to CNC
Maximum Students: 3 Duration: 2 hrs Prerequisites: Introduction to Woodworking. Existing CAD/CAM skills are helpful but not required.
Class description
This class provides an overview of the AVID CNC Routers. Instruction will focus on the basic setup and operation of these machines. In addition to safety, topics such as securing workpieces, proper use of endmills and collets, and using Mach4 software will be touched upon.
Please note that this class is only an introduction. CNC machines have a very steep learning curve and take many hours to fully grasp. Self-guided study and practice will be part of the process for those who want to utilize these machines. This involves learning about CNC feeds and speeds, knowing basic g-code, and acquiring design skills to create toolpaths in at least one type of CAD/CAM software. The instructor will provide additional resources, such as online videos and other materials to those who wish to learn more. Attendees are asked to review the RMS CNC Training Manual in its entirety prior to the class, and study the additional information provided in manual’s links.