We have 1000 square feet dedicated to a professional-level wood shop with (almost) everything you need to develop your craft. Our tools include a SawStop table saw, a Rikon 14” band saw, a Jet 17” drill press, an Oliver 15” planer, a Jet 1442 wood lathe, an Oliver 6” jointer, disk & belt sanders, and a wide and varied assortment of benches, hand tools, and sawdust. (Lots of sawdust.)
Even better–we’ll teach you how to use it safely — for free!
If you have questions about the wood shop, you can contact the area manager, Rick Spencer, at woodshop@rocmakers.org.
Woodworking Classes
Introduction to Woodworking
Maximum Students: 4 Duration: 4 hrs Prerequisites: None
Class description
In this hands-on class, we’ll make something together to demonstrate the fundamentals of woodworking. We’ll teach you how to properly and safely use the machinery in the woodshop such as our table saw, band saw, jointer, planer, drill press, and stationary sander. You’ll get a chance to use each of these machines while gaining confidence and new skills. Even if you are already a woodworker, we will familiarize you with all aspects of our woodshop so you will know proper Makerspace procedures and etiquette about specific machine operations and limitations, dust collection, clean up, and tool locations. Note: members can gain access to the woodshop by successfully completing either this class or Express Introduction to the woodshop, depending on their skill level. This class is for students of all levels.
Making a Bandsaw Box
Maximum Students: 3 Duration: 3.5 hrs Prerequisites: Introduction to Woodworking
Class description
The bandsaw is one of the most versatile of the tools in the workshop. In this course you will learn to safely use the bandsaw, to adjust it for proper performance in a variety of tasks and to learn to change the blade. You will make a simple bandsaw box. You may supply your own wood or use blocks we supply. (If you bring your own wood, please check with the instructor for details of what is acceptable.) You should have already taken the Introduction to Woodworking class.
Wood Router Introduction
Maximum Students: 4 Duration: 3 hrs Prerequisites: Introduction to Woodworking or permission of instructor
Class description
Learn more about using a router, one of the most versatile tools in the woodshop! This class will show you how to properly set up a router table for various cuts. We will also cover advanced uses of a router and applicable jigs to cut mortises, replicate curves, and mill out dados and rabbets. Using some of these techniques, we’ll go through the steps to give you hands-on practice with different router bits. You will leave this class with the knowledge to make smooth curved edges for plaques, picture frames, tables, and more!
Wood Lathe: Introduction
Maximum Students: 3 Duration: 2 hrs Prerequisites: None
Class description
In this class, you’ll learn the essentials of wood lathe operation and safety. You’ll learn how to set up the lathe for turning, the uses of various wood-turning chisels, and proper technique. You’ll also obtain supervised hands-on experience turning a practice spindle from raw stock.
Wood Lathe: Pen-Turning
Maximum Students: 2 Duration: 2 hrs Prerequisites: Wood Lathe Introduction or equivalent experience
Class description
An introduction to turning pens on the lathe. This intermediate class will review the basic components of making a pen then work through the process of cutting, gluing, turning, and assembling a wood Slimline style pen. A pen kit and blank are included with the fee and all tools and equipment are provided. You can also bring any tools of your own that would prefer to use. Wood Lathe Introduction or equivalent experience is required to take this class.
Wood Lathe: Twig Pots
Maximum Students: 2 Duration: 2.5 hrs Prerequisites: Wood Lathe Introduction or equivalent experience
Class description
This intermediate/advanced class will introduce you to the safe and proper method for mounting pieces on the 4-jaw chuck and drilling with the Jacobs chuck. Both are vital tools to help you get the most out of the wood lathe. The class will focus on turning a twig pot…a simple project that incorporates several turning skills, a variety of chisels, and offers infinite possibilities. Wood Lathe Introduction or equivalent experience is required. Plus, you should already have done some extra practice with spindle turning on the lathe. Materials are provided.
Wood Lathe: Bowl Turning
Maximum Students: 2 Duration: 3.5 hrs Prerequisites: Wood Lathe Introduction, Wood Lathe: Twig Pots or equivalent experience (see Class Description)
Class description
This intermediate/advanced class will introduce you to the basic principles behind safely turning a wooden bowl using gouges and traditional scrapers on the lathe. Materials are included with the class registration. Topics will include selection and set up of blanks, grain direction, proper tool selection and grinds. We will also cover three different methods of safely mounting the blank on the lathe, the primary cuts used in bowl turning and why, tenon and recess shaping, plus hollowing, sanding, and finishing. Wood Lathe Introduction or equivalent experience is required to take this class. It will help if you have taken the Twig Pot Classes and/or have experience with the 4-jaw chuck as well.